Kooltech produces and provide cooling equipment using Carbon dioxide, Ammonia, Glycol, Propane and Freon refrigerants, and ensures optimum machine configuration.

With mass quantities of refrigerated and frozen foods in inventory, large distribution centers have the unique challenge of preventing food loss and protecting food safety on a grand scale. Adding to this complexity, many are also supporting e-commerce food retail fulfillment.

Kooltech always offers Refrigeration Units that:

  • enable top quality cooling
  • provide with the most affordable investments costs
  • offer the most efficient and useful solution.

There are 4 main units in Refrigeration Units

  • Compressor
  • Condenser
  • Evaporator
  • Room Insulation

Choosing a cooling system and cooling Equipment depends on the:

  • structure of a cold storage facility. types of cold rooms,
  • products to be stored,
  • user expectations and refrigerants used for cooling.

Kooltech develops optimum solutions for all possible combinations, then designs projects, produces, undertakes installations, provides warranty, and offers servicing and follow-up services for the product